I can't believe this is our last day of biking. It went by so fast! Last night, we ordered our breakfast box so it would be ready at 7:30 am to pick up and eat before our route rap meeting at 8:30 am. Since this was only a morning bike ride, we could get back to the hotel early enough to shower and pack before our ride back to Louisville. Before breakfast, we walked a little bit around Lexington. Across the street was the town hall. As we walked down the road, they were setting up a farmers' market. Because we were in horse country, they had painted horses set up all over town. Some were for specific groups such as health care professionals and school children did others. We walked back to our hotel; note the blue penguins.
Water steps were also interesting to view in the early morning.
Our ride for the morning had 2 choices: DeShort Loop of 17 miles or the DeLong Loop of 28 miles. As usual, we chose the Delong Loop. I thought they picked that name because it was longer, no the road was actually called Delong Road. To start the ride, we had to ride through the main streets of Lexington. Some riders did not want to ride through the city streets, so they rode the van to Delong Road to start their day, but we are comfortable riding in city traffic. The ride was just as beautiful as the other days and the weather was perfect to end our week. On our way back to the hotel, we passed the University of Kentucky with its massive football stadium. Biking around the campus was nice with its bike trails and walkways. We finished the ride with plenty of time to shower and pack up.
Lunch was at 11:45 am at a small Latin-inspired restaurant, Corto Lima, near the hotel. We had about 5 choices of meals to pick from, but all were made with corn tortillas. It was sad to say goodbye to our fellow cyclists. Only 3 were going back to Louisville with us. Others were flying home that afternoon, while others were off to see some horse races. It was only an hour and a half ride back to Louisville and we were dropped off at the parking garage where we parked our car for the week. Now for our long drive back to Franklin and start planning our next biking adventure!
Below is our final route map - 28 miles and 1000-foot elevation.
